The Swabian castle


Termoli is situated on the Adriatic coast, and is and intact an uncontaminated city where the nature is alive. It's the most important tourist centre of the short Molisan coast and here you can find beaches of golden sand.

Termoli is a seaside resort that boasts clear water and high quality accommodation facilities, thanks to which it has always obtained the "Blue Flag of Europe" eco-label. It is an ideal place to spend an exclusive holiday at the seaside. There are two wonderful sandy beaches: the "San Antonio" beach is situated to the north of the city, while the "Rio Vivo" beach is situated to the south. The "Rio Vivo" beach is an boundless expanse of sand, resembling the beaches of California. In the recent times it has becomes destination for the young people that love surfing, sailing and palying beach volleyball.


 Historical notes

The fascination of Termoli is due to its thousand-year history, to its monuments, archaeological finds, and artistic beauties; to its hospitality , tradition and gastronomy. Its “Borgo vecchio” (ancient town) is a little jewel box full of precious monuments like the Cathedral and “Il Castello” (The Castle, an old bastion against Saracen pirates). During its long history, ita has had many different rulers: Lombard, Norman, and Swabian. Under the latter, Termoli reached its greatest splendour.

Aerial View of Borgo vecchio

La Cattedrale

La Torretta

 The ancient burg

The ancient burg, has preserved its suggestive aspect of a “terrace on the sea”. It is characterized by a labyrinth of little squares and tight alleys. The tightest of all is “Vico II Castello”. In these places it is possible to experience the ancient seafaring life.

The Cathedral has a Gothic-Romanesque style. It was built in the XII century on the remains of an ancient temple of Venus and is situated in the heart of the ancient burg, with the façade directed towards Jerusalem. It is one of the main monuments of the Molise. Inside there is an impressive organ, magnificent mosaics and in the crypt there are the relics of Saint “Basso” and Saint Timothy, the disciple of Saint Paul.

“Il Castello” (the castle) is an ancient bastion against the invasions of Saracen pirates and is also the symbol of the city . Its history isn't well known. It was (probably ) built by Normans in the IX century, but was renovated in 1247 by Frederick II of Swabia: for this reason it is known as “Castello Svevo” (Swabian Castle). It functioned as the Burg's defence and is a typical example of a Norman Keep, composed of truncated a pyramid with cylindrical turrets at its four sides.


Il Trabucco

Other tourist routes.

La salita del porto

Tremiti isles

A Natural Paradise, recently declared a “Marine Park”. Very well connected with Termoli, and you can choose between the fast hydrofoil (45 minutes) and several motor ships (about 2 hours), which sail daily from the harbour of Termoli.

Tremiti isles(Cretaccio)

Tremiti isles (beach)

The little archipelago is composed of 5 isles: San Nicola, (Saint NICHOLAS) the main island, San Domino, the tourist centre of the archipelago, Capraia, whose name is derived from the abundant caper plants (Capparis Spinosa), Pianosa which is completely inside the marine park and can only be visited with specific permission and Cretaccio, a rock of yellow clay resembling a half moon. Most of the marine fauna comes here to breed. The Tremiti isles are a preferred destination of scuba divers. Here they can see rare fishes, sponges and corals. Several scuba clubs can take you on guided tours under the sea.

Parco del Gargano

It's situated on the promontory of the same name in Puglia, not far from Termoli (just 30 minutes by car). Here you can find the "Foresta Umbra", a vaste expanse of Mediterranean vegetation, rich in protect wildlife. You can also find actrattive paths reaching the coast and lovely bays. In Puglia you car reach "San Giovanni Rotondo", an important religious centre where St. Pio's sanctuary can be found.

National park of Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

Comprised of the molisan communes of Pizzone, Scapoli, Rocchetta al Volturno, Castel San Vincenzo and Filgnano. Here you can see the rare “orso bruno marsicano” (a sub-species of brown bear “Ursus arctos”), the wolf of the Apennines and the chamois.


Oasis of Guardiaregia

Wwf's oasis is the second biggest oasis in Italy.


Marsicano Brown Bear

LIPU's oasis of Casacalenda

Here is possible to see about 400 different species of butterflies. In the summer there is a festival dedicated to the butterflies. There is also a centre for the rehabilitation of wildlife.


Oasis “Le Mortine”

Populated by non-migrating and migrating avifauna typical of the wet zones. You can practice birdwatching to see rare species of birds.


Is the capital of the region. It is abut 70 km far from Termoli. It has an old castle around Sant'Antonio's mount. On the top of this mountain is “Castel Monforte” (Monforte's Castle).



The capital of the province. Here you can visit the archaeological museum and the “Quaternary valley”. In the latter it is possible to see the relics of a settlement of homo erectus (730,000 years old).

Monforte Castle


Shows interesting proofs of its thousand-year history. Among these are the Roman amphitheatre, l'Ara Frentana (altar of Frentani, ancient local population), the Cathedral, in Gothic style, and polychrome mosaics of the imperial era representing animals.


Very important is the “Teatro Italico” (Italic Theatre), built by the Sanniti (an ancient Italic population). It's one of the most important archaeological remains of molisan history.



For 20 centuries, Agnone has been the capital of the bell production. You can find its bells from Saint Peters in Rome to the American Congress in Washington. The most ancient foundry, still working, is the “Pontificia Fonderia Marinelli”. Agnone is also famous for its sugared almonds, workmanship of hammered copper and iron. In Agnone you can visit many Romanesque church.



Here there are the remains of Altilia, a very well preserved old Roman town. The area is famous also for its thermal and mineral waters.


Teatro  Sannitico

Fonderia Marinelli

Scapoli e Frosolone

Famous for its handmade bagpipes and open-work knives and scissors. Every year at Frosolone the “Mostra mercato nazionale” (National exhibition and market) of the knives and scissors is held, with craftsmen showing their products along the town lanes.

Zampogna a Scapoli